That's Me

That's Me
saluting one ah.. not the one shouting

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Night at the Museum

Hi Guys,

Its me.. back again for another movie view sharing. I caught the movie "Night at the Museum" starring Ben Stiller. Well.. this show is a comedy and if you are looking for a good laugh after a day's of hard work. This show is just for you.

To me..

Having said that, there are a few good learning points that I have picked up from the show that can share with all of you. In this show, it depicts that everyone has a potential in them. It just takes the right moment to unleash them out. In the show, Larry (Ben Stiller) is a guy that is always out of his luck. He never accomplished anything big and is always on the move, be it jobs or even places of stay. He runs the risk of losing his kid custody to his wife. He finally managed to get a job at the Museum as a security officer. Togather with differnt wax figures played by Robin Williams, etc. He found his "potential" and his self-confidence that he can do something different, apart from his "snapper technology" business.

My Ratings

Comedy Rating -4/5 stars
Knowledge Rating - 2.5/5 stars

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