That's Me

That's Me
saluting one ah.. not the one shouting

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My taipei Trip

Hello folks,

I am back after a week of trip at Taipei. It is real fun. Generally, a couple of things leaves deep impressions on me regarding the culture of Taiwan.

(a) Taiwanese are very civic and environmentally concious. Every where you go, you will see 2 bins side-by-side containing different rubbish. One is for recyclable materials such as papers, cartons and one is for general thrash.

(b) There are a lot of scooters in Taiwan. So much that I give up looking out for them. They will look out for you.

(c) Taiwanese also focus a lot on toilet hygiene. So much so that they do not allow you to throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl and flush it away. Rather, there is a small bin by the side of the cubicle for you to throw the used toilet paper there... : (

You can see some of my pictures at this link.... there are more... but may not be available online.

Take care :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Going to Taipei =)

Finally, I got the chance to take a good break before my new career begins. However, the days leading up to this break has been a hectic one. I realise that me and my gf has not really got the time to plan for the trip. Coz,we are so bz with our faith activities. Only one day before the trip I have the time to pack my bags... change currency.. etc. Hee.. gtg. Watch out for this space on more photos =)