That's Me

That's Me
saluting one ah.. not the one shouting

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My taipei Trip

Hello folks,

I am back after a week of trip at Taipei. It is real fun. Generally, a couple of things leaves deep impressions on me regarding the culture of Taiwan.

(a) Taiwanese are very civic and environmentally concious. Every where you go, you will see 2 bins side-by-side containing different rubbish. One is for recyclable materials such as papers, cartons and one is for general thrash.

(b) There are a lot of scooters in Taiwan. So much that I give up looking out for them. They will look out for you.

(c) Taiwanese also focus a lot on toilet hygiene. So much so that they do not allow you to throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl and flush it away. Rather, there is a small bin by the side of the cubicle for you to throw the used toilet paper there... : (

You can see some of my pictures at this link.... there are more... but may not be available online.

Take care :)

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